Animated: Tour of the Elevators at Elevation Heights Hospital – Elevationville

This is my very first animated elevator tour, and this is my first video I made using iMovie! This is a tour of the elevators at the Elevation Heights Hospital in Elevationville. Most of the elevators were modernized/replaced. Two buildings still have their original elevators, but they are going to be modernized soon.
Animated: Tour of the Elevators at Elevation Heights Hospital – Elevationville


Animated: Tour of the Elevators at Elevation Heights Hospital – Elevationville — 19 Comments

  1. Awesome video!!! Somehow hospitals are risk to film, I don’t want to get
    sick by the patients and also don’t want to get into any trouble for
    filming in a hospital. Please be careful when filming.

  2. Jim shut up this is an animation. And I am sick of the fighting with you.

  3. I told you to shut up first. Plus I was at your International Jim Tower and
    it is very nice.

  4. Guys, stop it! You guys are acting like children! You guys need to suck it
    up and move on! This is arguing getting ridiculous!!!

  5. I am at Elevation Ridge again! 😀 I am shopping with ttngidoc.

  6. One problem, Ecodiscs were not invented until 1996, so the ones here cannot
    be from 95.

  7. Awesome! How can you do this?Please teach me! P.S I don’t have iMovie