Bruno the Bullmastiff going downstairs on his stairlift

Since of Bruno’s knee replacement and so on it was difficult & strictly prohibited for Bruno our Bullmastiff to utilize the stairs however since we reside in a First floor house we needed to think about something! Offering a Bullmastiff up & downstairs, 4 times a day is not a choice!!
We chose that if stairlifts were possible for individuals, why not canines! We purchased a stairlift & installed it, we then made a platform with brackets & away we went. Bruno likes his stairlift & utilizes it rather gladly so yes, stairlifts for canines are possible!

| Offering a Bullmastiff up & downstairs, 4 times a day is not a choice!!
We decided chose if stairlifts were possible for peopleIndividuals why not dogsCanines We purchased a stairlift & installed it, we then made a platform with brackets & away we went.


Bruno the Bullmastiff going downstairs on his stairlift — 4 Comments

  1. Man you guys are great! got a mastiff myself n hes my world! some people
    would of just got rid of the dog! LOVE what youve done for him guys!

  2. Hi, You commented about Bruno 3 yrs ago, Well Bruno is still going strong &
    we now live in a bungalow & Bruno is so happy & still going strong. Husband
    did not want to move!! so Bruno & i have gone it alone!!. He as a 48ft
    garden & he soakes the morning sun up. Kindest reguards, Bruno & Julie