Dover Elevators @ Carilion’s Roanoke Community Hospital Parking Deck Roanoke VA

What a weird layout!! floors A-F are traction and E-H are a hydraulic!
Dover Elevators @ Carilion’s Roanoke Community Hospital Parking Deck Roanoke VA


Dover Elevators @ Carilion’s Roanoke Community Hospital Parking Deck Roanoke VA — 25 Comments

  1. The floor indicator on the traction model gets a tad flakey on the upper
    half of the garage, doesn’t it (especially E to F)? You rode the mechanical
    ones, but forgot the Man-Powered one next to it.

  2. come to chicago and ride the sears tower elevator!! i love your videos,
    very interesting me and my friend love them ( :

  3. If you look at the indicator you can see some of the other letters show up
    on the same 7-seg digit.

  4. These are lovely dover elevators in the older dover elevator i love the
    bell good video mate

  5. how cum you like reviewing elevators so much i mean its just an old
    elevator that brings people up and down