Everything about a Bruno Elite Stair Lift.wmv

Riding and revealing various functions on a Bruno Elite Stair Lift


Everything about a Bruno Elite Stair Lift.wmv — 2 Comments

  1. my stairlift is stuck in the middle of my stairs,is there anyway i can
    manualy move it up or down to the charger? my battery died in the middle of
    the steps.i cant find a button to get it to move manualy..

  2. is your stair lift a bruno elite or another model? If it a Bruno you can
    manually move the stair lift by removing the covers and turning the belts
    inside, but it will take a long time. The easier way to do is is to replace
    the batteries. Send me a email at thestairliftguy@gmail.com and I can
    explain more on how to do this