
Extremely Scary Ghost Elevator Prank in Brazil — 25 Comments

  1. I really don’t think this kind of prank should be pulled on the elderly. If
    I were stuck in the elevator with the ugly banshee, I’d beat the living
    daylights out of her because, truth be told, this is how I react when

  2. I don’t believe that the people who put this together would use anyone but
    actors; there is too much danger for the young girl to be in a lift with
    people who could assault her. Sorry, not buying it. I guess most of the
    prank vids are staged. Imagine the litigation if a target croaked.

  3. This is not America, people. Nobody would have hurt the little girl because
    in Brazil we’re not allowed to carry GUNS everywhere.

  4. #يسعد مساائكم يامتااابعيني

    #مساائكم فرفشة هنووو وصقيقاتها

    ههههههههههههههههههههههہ .!

    وه وه صَرآحهہ آلمقلب قَوي وربي
    لو آنآ آنشف في مكآني كان رحت فيها ^ ^
    المقطع خَآص لـ/#صقيقااتي
    هآ خناافسي آيش رآيككم 🙂
    على آسآس آلمقطع هذا سوؤال الا يحب يجآوب عليہ P:

    آكثر مكآن مرعب في بيتكم [……………….] .!؟ ‹☺›‏

  5. Funny but not with kids. She could have gotten hurt, I would have hit her
    because that’s my reaction. People are predictable but balling up is not
    the answer..

  6. Some people here are surprised because of the girl’s ability to keep a
    straight face. It’s because she is already an actress. Search for her name
    (Anna Livya Padilha) to see her in other videos without the ghost makeup.

  7. 5:53 he says: ne yapitorsun sen? git degis…. this means in Turkish:
    What are you doing? Go change…

  8. i dont know about you but this is soooooo funny!! watch!!![ not scary] and
    these people scream like little kids just to let you know

  9. Geez…. if I saw someone who scared the shit out of me I just punch the
    freaking face..not funny at all especially old lady

  10. I honestly doubt anyone would attack the girl if they thought it was a
    demon or something. If anything they would plead with it