Just playing around with the vertical speed bag platform.
It’s attached to the same post that my steel platform is welded to.
I thought it worked out great for this Al Green song.
I’m not doing anything fancy here,
so maybe with a little more practice,
I can do some elbow combos.
Thanks for watching.
– MsDeville
Speed Bag on a Vertical Platform | Al Green “Tired of Being Alone” Punch Drumming
Nicely done….vertical punch drumming huh, I thought I was the only crazy
one trying that. Vert punch drumming is quite a challenge. Very impressive
and right on beat 🙂 Thanks for posting. The Swivel has a nice click that
add a nice touch to the rhythm
@kerrycampagna Thanks, Kerry! Yes, vertical punch-drumming takes some
getting used to … the ‘gravity factor’ makes it a challenge, but once you
get the hang of it, it’s pretty fun.
Shity vid dumb ass and song eat shit